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quintessenz event - Presentation Management

quintessenz event - Presentation Management

Digital signage made easy!

With quintessenz event you can handle all your digital signage tasks in no time.

quintessenz event is a presentation software that covers all requirements. For example, accomplish:

  • Time-controlled planning of content
  • Plan on which displays your content will be presented
  • Different planning levels
  • Standard daily schedule sets your standard daily content for each display
  • Another 2 planning levels can be mixed with or overlaid on the standard plan
  • Planning of different content like images, graphics, videos, html or other documents
  • Planning is done on the web-based server via a browser


Areas of application for quintessenz event

With the timely planning of content with quintessenz event, you cover all possible areas of application, such as:


  • Welcome-Boad as visitor greeting
  • Occupancy or timetables on door displays for meeting or seminar rooms
  • General information at various locations (Point of Information - POI)
  • Product information at points of sale (POS)
  • Employee information
  • and much more

Digital Signage with Quintessence Event

If you want to use quintessence event for digital signage ...


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